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Mods in Crete

Creator: Matt
Date: 1999-09-24


Location: Chersonissos, Crete
Pictures: Matt

kreta1.jpgThe door:
The most ghetto thing was our bathroom door. The frame was broken in, the handle was right before falling off. The door itself was that distorted it needed arnold powah to close (in most cases it couldn't be opened afterwards). Even then it wasn't closed because the lock bar on the handle was long gone.
kreta2.jpgThe fuse box:
This was our fuse box. It was just open like that, and the fuses in there wouldn't probably match any modern norm.
kreta3.jpgThe power line:
There was a power line right in front of our balcony, approximately 1.5 m away! It was always dangerous to lean forward! I guess the line also produced a lot of electromagnetic pollution, just think about the electric installations in those countries.

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