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Power Bar of Death

Creator: AdBa
Date: 2000-07-18


AdBas most dangerous and gross mod so far!
The purpose of this project is power distribution just like a power bar with an integrated switch. Such a power bar wasn't available so AdBa ghetto-modded one. It's still unclear why this device hasn't been approved by the SEV (some Swiss quality assertion authority).

Do naht try this at hoam!

schiene01.jpgThis power bar offers various connection possibilities. Swiss 3-pin type 13 plugs can be plugged in as well as 2-pin euro plugs or old Swiss plugs. The red marks point to the phase, which means the white 3-way jack has not been wired correctly. The non-isolated banana plugs on the right side are particularly dangerous.
schiene02.jpgThe bottom of the carboard case is always open which rather violates current standards. Note the wiring of the 3-way jacks and the non-existent ground. It's also questionable how the power bar is supplied with current.

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