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Unknown ISA Card

Creator: C. Hoffmann
Date: 1999-12-27


Colin Hoffmann recently found this strange ISA card on his attic. As you see the card is fucking big. The problem is that nobody knows what the purpose of this card was. The only clue is a sticker which has "Movie MOV 1.6 29.10.1992" written on it, which makes you think it's a video card. But the card has two 50 pin connectors, too, which makes it look like a SCSI controller. There are a lot of chips on that card, one has "Bt" written on it, an other one "AT&T", next to it there are two Philips chips.
Now the question: What the hell does this card do???

isacard.jpgThe card is so long it barely fits into a standard PC case.

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