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Mods in Belgrad

Creator: Konni
Date: 2004-09-09


Location: Belgrad, Serbia
Pictures: Konni

belgrad01.jpgBelgrad has its twin towers, too.
They're actually a good example of former socialist architecture.
belgrad02.jpgThere are many buildings which were destroyed during the war and couldn't be taken down due to lack of money. The consequence is that those areas look very ghetto.
belgrad03.jpgThose are very common in Belgrad: rafts with little houses on top!
belgrad04.jpgIt looks like a Fiat, it's ghetto like a Fiat, but it isn't a Fiat!
It's a YUGO!
belgrad05.jpgGhetto houseboats near the river
belgrad06.jpgThis is one of coolest vehicles ever made: A ghetto hydroplane!
A rubber dinghy is used as a floater, a delta-flyer is mounted on top. And the best: The thing is driven by a Volkswagen motor, it can even take-off from the water!
belgrad07.jpgThere are a lot of floating houses on the river bank. Quite useful if you want to change your domicile.
belgrad08.jpgThere's a big old fortress in Belgrad. You can have a look at old cannons and tanks there.
belgrad09.jpgAn average apartment house
belgrad10.jpgMost facades downtown look like this.
belgrad11.jpgA Trabant, full of junk
belgrad12.jpgThere are tags, too!
belgrad13.jpgThe common fuel at the airport is JUGOPETROL.

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