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Bondo Box

Creator: Gerbi & SessionChef
Date: 2004-05-07


One day it's time for any loudspeaker to go into retirement, today these two speakers will be terminated!

The goal was to kill these two speakers as spectacularly as possible, too bad the already connected Revox A50 amplifier (R.I.P. by now) wasn't able to fully succeed...

bondobox01.jpgSessionChef prepares the speaker
bondobox02.jpgAlsace Powaaah! (The flag has been looted in Ki**** :)
bondobox03.jpgWork in progress on the second speaker
bondobox04.jpgSome optical tuning!!
bondobox05.jpgThe miserable death of the first...
bondobox06.jpgand the second speaker!

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